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Episode 5  |  19:41 min

Starting LogicGate | Matt Kunkel

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Episode 5  |  19:41 min  |  07.03.2019

Starting LogicGate | Matt Kunkel

This is a podcast episode titled, Starting LogicGate | Matt Kunkel. The summary for this episode is: <p><strong>Top 3 Takeaways:</strong></p> <ul> <li>There's a big need in the marketplace for a technology that’s flexible and dynamic, yet easy to use from an end-business-user perspective.</li> <li>“I took an educated bet that the market was right for a disruptive perspective.”</li> <li>“Everyone is somewhere between ought-to-buy and needs-to-buy a GRC platform.”</li> </ul> <p><strong>Show Highlights:</strong><br /> <strong>[01:08]</strong> How the committee got started.<br /> <strong>[2:53]</strong> Matt's handling of projects related to the Lehman Brothers’ fallout and the Madoff scandal<br /> <strong>[3:11]</strong> Starting a custom app dev group at Navigant Consulting<br /> <strong>[3:41]</strong> How he helped JPMorgan Chase’s mortgage bank get out of consent order with OCC<br /> <strong>[4:11]</strong> What is the Dodd-Frank Ruling?<br /> <strong>[4:54]</strong> The platform technology built for JPMorgan Chase to get compliant<br /> <strong>[7:43]</strong> Why Chase ultimately went to Navigant<br /> <strong>[9:25]</strong> The ‘lightbulb moment’ for Matt<br /> <strong>[10:38]</strong> The search for different solutions<br /> <strong>[11:50]</strong> Matt shares why he started LogicGate<br /> <strong>[12:21]</strong> How did Matt pull the trigger and decide to leave his comfortable position and take that huge risk?<br /> <strong>[14:18]</strong> The most interesting part of the platform<br /> <strong>[15:36]</strong> How Matt views LogicGate<br /> <strong>[16:31]</strong> Insight on how the company’s mascot (The GOAT) came to be<br /> <strong>[18:05]</strong> What’s next for LogicGate?</p> <p><strong>Resources:</strong><br /> <a href="https://www.logicgate.com/">LogicGate's Website</a><br /> Connect with Matt on <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-kunkel-91056143">LinkedIn</a><br /> Connect with Matt on <a href="https://twitter.com/mk_logicgate?lang=en">Twitter</a><br /> <a href="https://www.navigant.com/">Navigant Group</a><br /> <a href="https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/dodd-frank-financial-regulatory-reform-bill.asp">Dodd-Frank Ruling</a><br /> <a href="https://eugdpr.org/">GDPR</a><br /> <a href="https://www.caprivacy.org/">California Consumer Privacy Act</a></p>
Takeaway 1 | 04:48 MIN
Matt's background
Takeaway 2 | 02:23 MIN
JPMorgan Chase project
Takeaway 3 | 02:49 MIN
The "Aha!" moment